
The smile on the fat photographer's face froze.

The bald man said angrily, "F*ck, can't you grow a brain?"

"If you have a brain, why didn't you stop me just now?" The fat photographer's eyes were fierce. "What if she gets her phone and calls the police?!"

The bald man said, "That's true."

Shi Xi silently buttoned up her shirt.

"I know you're a big star," the fat cameraman said with a lewd smile. "If you cooperate with us obediently and take a good video, you can still continue to be your big star if you pay us on time in the future."

Shi Xi said, "What if I don't cooperate?"

The fat cameraman said, "Then I'll let your bed photos spread all over the internet."

Shi Xi could not help but say, "Aren't you guys afraid of being caught? You'll be sentenced to at least three years for extortion."

The bald man asked with interest, "How long will s*xual assault be sentenced to?"