Let Go of the Desire To Help Others and Respect Their Destiny.

On the other hand, after Angev sensed Shi Xi's intention to attack, he slowly retreated and dodged, trying to find Shi Xi's flaws.

However, just as he was defending, he realized that Shi Xi's attacks were flawless. He couldn't find any flaws!

He was forced to retreat step by step, unable to resist at all.

Ron stood aside and said to Mei Yinni, "What's wrong with your brother? Why isn't he attacking? You won't get any points if you keep retreating!"

Mei Yinni's face turned red with anger when she heard his sarcastic tone.

Xie Yunzhou watched the fight quietly from the side.

Shi Xi's attack was fierce and fast. In the end, she managed to hit Angev's arm and scored a point.

This successfully angered Mei Yinni.

Angev smiled and said to Shi Xi nonchalantly, "With your swordsmanship, you can participate in professional competitions."

"There are too many rules and restrictions here. I'm not used to it yet." Shi Xi smiled faintly.