Box On the Ground

At the gathering point.

Shi Xi, who was dressed in her little green dinosaur pajamas, poked her head in.

She was the only one.

After a while, Chu Yuan appeared.

Chu Yuan had been on this show before and had been teased by the program team, so he was fully dressed now.

Shi Xi smiled awkwardly and greeted, "Hello, Teacher Chu."

When Chu Yuan saw Shi Xi's bare face, he asked with a smile, "They didn't even let you change your clothes?"

"I just washed my face. They didn't even use any skincare products," Shi Xi said helplessly.

The bullet screen read, [What the f*ck? Shi Xi is really bare-faced?]

[She was just washing her face when she was caught. Isn't this kind of face too good at fighting?]

It didn't take long for Shuo Nan to be 'captured.'

There was another round of polite greetings.

It was only when Nan Wan appeared in her perfect clothes and makeup that Shi Xi prayed for a bolt of lightning to strike her.