Express Your Feelings

Whether or not [Sky Blue] had cast her in the cast, she would play this role well.

"Can you act in a confession scene?" The director's eyes were filled with even more admiration.

Confessing on the fire was an important plot in [Sky Blue].

Fu Tianlan was caught in the sea of fire. Tang Hui went to save her, and the two of them almost died in the sea of fire.

Before they died, the two of them expressed their feelings.

Shi Xi recalled the scene and said, "Sure,"

She thought that the director would pay more attention to professional scenes, such as the confrontation in court and the persuasion on the roof.

She didn't expect the director to like emotional scenes so much.

Did the director like to play CP?

During the preparation, Shi Xi's thoughts wandered.


Shi Xi covered her mouth and nose and squatted down. Her eyes were half-closed as if she could not open them due to the smoke.

"Cough, cough, cough!"