Nan Wan Jail

Shi Xi wiped the fingerprints off the belt and said leisurely, "Don't worry. Falling from the 17th floor won't hurt at all."

The man became more and more panicked. "If you kill me, you'll go to jail too!"

Shi Xi's eyes curved. "I was drunk today and didn't know anything."

"I'm a glamorous star, and you're just a rotten person that no one knows."

"Do you think the law will protect you or me?"

After wiping the fingerprints clean, Shi Xi dragged the man to the balcony.

"Don't kill me, it's not that I want to r*pe you! It was Nan Wan! She gave me 10,000 yuan and said that if I slept with you and took a video, she would give me another 90,000 yuan!" The man confessed everything about Nan Wan.

Shi Xi smiled. "How is that possible? Nan Wan and I are good friends. Why would she find someone to harm me?"

When the man saw Shi Xi's smile, he felt terrified. "I have evidence. I recorded all my calls with her!"