Xie Yunzhou Arrives

Xie Yunzhou called Shi Xi.

However, Shi Xi was in a bad mood at the moment, so she pretended not to see it.


Who couldn't have a little temper?

Shi Xi put her phone on silent mode and prepared the New Year menu with her mother.

The auntie at home was on holiday during the New Year, so they did everything themselves.

"It's New Year's Eve tomorrow," Mother Shi suddenly said. "Why don't you invite your parents over? We can spend the New Year together."

"I called them. They're going to spend the New Year with Grandpa and Grandma." Shi Xi was mixing the cold dishes. "They'll be back on the first day of the Chinese New Year."

"Oh..." Mother Shi wanted to spend the New Year with her daughter, but she thought of Ning Yu and asked, "Did Ning Yu say where she was spending the New Year?"

This was Ning Yu's first year back home.

Mother Shi did not like Ning Yu, but she was still her daughter.