Hua Ruoling Is the Biggest Suspect

The director recalled. "I think so."

"Show me all the previous videos," Captain Qin said simply.

If the chandelier was not used before, then the scope of the investigation would be wide.

However, if someone had used a chandelier before, and it only fell down during this group's performance...

He could narrow down the scope.

The director pointed out the previous stage videos and said, "These are all the videos taken today."

When Captain Qin checked, he found that there was indeed a team using chandeliers.

"At this time, the chandelier is still very stable." Captain Qin switched between the two videos and said, "When the victim was smashed, the chandelier was obviously lower and unstable."

"In other words, during this period of time, someone destroyed the chandelier's rope?" Xie Yunzhou asked.

Captain Qin nodded.


The sound attracted the attention of the few people. They turned around to look.