Gossip with Li Jinfan

"The fever has subsided. I just took some medicine," Shi Xi said.

Xie Yunzhou saw that Shi Xi's face was rosy and her eyes were bright. He reminded her, "You should rest well and not starve yourself."

In order to look good on camera, Shi Xi was either on a diet or on the road to losing weight.

"I know, I'll be careful!" Shi Xi's eyes curved. "I ate a lot at noon!"

After that, she would have to go to the gym for an hour at night.

It was hard to be a beauty.

It was so difficult to maintain one's figure.

Li Jinfan packed his things and said, "Sister, I'll leave first. I'll look for you next time."

Shi Xi looked up and waved at him. "Goodbye~"

Hearing the door close, Xie Yunzhou asked, "Who's in your room?"

"A junior came to ask me about acting," Shi Xi said briefly.