
Li Jinfan's face was slightly red and his voice was shy. "Sister, look at me. I have abs."

Shi Xi silently averted her gaze and prayed for the camera to shoot her at this time.

"Hurry up and get ready!" Shi Xi found a place to sit down.

Didn't Sister want to see abs?

He had it.

Why wasn't his sister looking?

Li Jinfan sighed in his heart.

Was it because he was too proactive?

Doesn't Shi Xi like his type?

That would be difficult.

"By the way, where are your teammates? Aren't they coming to cheer for you?" Shi Xi thought of something.

"They all have their own events to participate in." Li Jinfan shrugged.

That was right, everyone was here to compete.

The production team required each artiste to sign up for at least three sports.

Shi Xi had only signed up for three. After she arrived, she added a mixed relay race.