I Will Never Set Up A Flag Again!

Shi Xi recalled what had happened before she fainted.

When she saw the snow on the top of the mountain collapse, she tried her best to dodge.

However, human strength was sometimes limited. No matter how she ran, she could not compare to the speed at which the snow mountain collapsed.

In order to avoid being buried in the snow, Shi Xi could only run in another direction.

Fortunately, she was not buried in the snow.

Shi Xi thought that she would never set up a flag again!

She wouldn't collapse even if the snow mountain collapsed?

D*mn it, she didn't collapse the house.

The snow mountain had collapsed!


Seeing that she was still safe for the time being, Shi Xi heaved a sigh of relief. However, she was worried about the production team.

Were they out of danger?

Shi Xi touched her pocket, wanting to find her phone to contact the outside world.

Oh, right, she didn't bring her phone.