May I Ask the Princess Consort's Age

When they arrived at the garden, the fragrance of flowers wafted into their faces.

Shi Xi took a deep breath.

She felt a little dizzy.

It was too fragrant.

Shi Xi coughed twice and asked, "Do you cut the flowers in the room from here every day?"

When she first woke up, there were fresh flowers in the vase beside her bed.

The flower vase was wrapped in gold thread. The flowers were only kept for a day and were replaced the next morning.

"Some were picked from the garden, some were flown in. The royal palace airships ingredients and flowers from all over the world every day," explained Sena."

Shi Xi was silent.

How extravagant.

"Princess Consort, the First Prince and Mr. Tao are over there. I'll send you there." Sena turned the wheelchair around and pushed Shi Xi over.

"Sigh, I don't want to. Forget it." Shi Xi gave up struggling.

She was in a wheelchair, so she had to be obedient.