I'm Tired, Let's Reopen Life

[Shi Xi hasn't retired yet? Didn't they say that she had retired to give birth?]

[What rumors did you read earlier? Isn't this too ridiculous?]

[Something like that. Which popular celebrity would suddenly disappear for a month without any news?]

[I've already told you that she has a sugar daddy, and now she's married. Maybe she got pregnant before marriage and forced him to marry her!]

Not only on Weibo, but also on social media in A Country.

Most of the people were against the fact that the Princess Consort was Chinese.

[Are all the women in our country dead? The Prince wants to marry a foreigner?]

[I disagree!]

[The Princess Consort is really beautiful. Is she the princess of China? If it's a princess from China, I can accept it.]

[She's just a celebrity. I heard that her character isn't that great either.]