I've Decided to Stay in the Entertainment Industry!_1

If Hongcao Entertainment allowed Pei Jie to continue acting in [Energetic Girl 2], it would only bring profits to Kuai Xue. Therefore, they were in a hurry to start a drama to harvest traffic.

They also wanted to tie Shi Xi and Pei Jie together.

"This Jiang Feng came to me before to create a scandal between you and Pei Jie, but I didn't agree," Han Chuan said unhappily. "I did not expect him to change his method and come to us again."

Shi Xi had always been clean in the entertainment industry and did not want to stir up scandals with any male celebrities.

Although she had many CP's in the entertainment industry, Shi Xi paid attention to maintaining a distance from them.

She absolutely would not be pinned down by any CP.

"But this script is a little ordinary!" Shi Xi was still flipping through the script with a frown.

She took over the script and could naturally see that it was perfunctory.