Sister Is So Good at Gaming, Bring Me Up

[Captain already told her to go out, but Qi Yao still went out and asked others to support her.]

[Yeah, you know that the other party is targeting you, but you're still so unaware.]

After the game ended, Qi Yao took off her earphones and reflected on herself, "It's all my fault. I caused everyone to lose. I'm sorry."

"It's alright," the captain comforted, "as long as we win the next round."

"Yeah, don't take it to heart. Prepare for the next round."

"You guys are so nice. Thank you, big brothers." Qi Yao started to act coquettishly.

Shi Xi leaned against the back of the chair and rubbed her wrist.

After playing two games in a row, she was indeed a little tired.

Qi Yao looked at Shi Xi and asked, "Is Sister tired? Do you want to rest a little longer?"

"I'm resting now," Shi Xi replied.

"Sister is really good at playing games. Let's add each other as friends."