Why Did the Chatty Aunt Ning Raise the Silent Ning Yu

The next day, Mother Shi divided the items and asked them to bring them as gifts.

Ning Yu hadn't returned to Longquan Village for a while, so she followed Shi Xu back.

"I want to go too," Shi Xi said enviously.

The Ning parents never cared about what she did.

Every time she went back, all she needed to do was eat and sleep.

Boundless happiness.

She wanted to go back for a vacation.

"Why are you going back?" Ning Yu looked at Shi Xi strangely.

Shi Xi was the daughter of Hua Wenyin, but she was not related to the Ning family by blood and had never lived with them for long.

Mother Shi was grateful that it was not easy for the Ning family's parents to raise Ning Yu, so she would send gifts over every year.

Allowing Shi Xu to send them off was a show of respect.

However, this had nothing to do with Shi Xi!

Shi Xi straightened her chest and said righteously, "I want to eat Mother Ning's chicken mushroom stew!"