Holding a Birthday Banquet for Shi Xi

Xie Yunzhou smiled. "Have a good rest."

Shi Xi fell asleep the moment she got into bed after a tiring morning of running around.

She slept until she woke up naturally.

She had drawn the curtains before she went to bed, so the room was dark.

Shi Xi had slept enough and reached for her phone by the bed to look at the time.


It was already four in the afternoon!

Moreover, why were there so many missed calls?!

Shi Xi had muted her phone before she went to bed and missed many calls.

Most of the calls were from Han Chuan.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"The application for the movie [Energetic Girl 2] has been blocked. It's 3's script," Han Chuan said calmly.

Because [Energetic Girl 2] could not be filmed, the original [Energetic Girl 3] was upgraded to [Energetic Girl 2].

As for the short drama, it had changed its name.

"Who was it? Can you find some connections?" Shi Xi asked.