Another Person Fell

Everyone looked at her.

Yu Gege took out her information card and said, "It says: In an ancient castle, a human and a vampire fell in love and gave birth to an unacknowledged half-vampire monster."

"They hate humans and vampires, and they wanted to take away the treasures in the castle and leave."

"I think they are from the third camp."

The third-party camp was like a hidden spy. They had to eliminate everyone in order to win.

This time, the good and bad people were all numb.

They were all secretive.

Now, they had to be even more secretive.

Shi Xi found it interesting. "Is there any other information?"

Perhaps it was because she couldn't suppress her personality, a girl with a northeastern accent revealed her cards.

"The character summon card I got is a princess card. It has a key to the treasure trove."

The moment she opened her mouth, it was explosive.

Everyone looked over and instantly exploded.