Lost Bow

Zhu Yi was always by their side.

She could totally stop them from using their skills on Yue Pingyang!

"Maybe she doesn't know how to stop them. Don't vampires only poison people when they're eating?" Song Ci asked.

"Or did they find a skill card?" Shi Xi guessed, "We can find the skill card to kill vampires, so they can have the skill card to kill too, right?"

"Let's continue watching. Go find Zong Ming and see what he's doing."

Since they knew that Zong Ming wasn't a good person, they should go and ask.

Zong Ming was with Li Jinfan.

"Zhu Yi and Yue Pingyang are a couple?" Zong Ming was surprised.

They found the [Lost Crossbow], which could kill anyone on the field.

Zong Ming wanted to kill Chi Yuanju.

Li Jinfan said that he wanted to kill Zhu Yi because he suspected that Zhu Yi was a third party.

Zong Ming was doubtful and finally killed Zhu Yi.

Unexpectedly, both of them were eliminated at the same time.