Human Defeat

Zong Ming hesitated.

Shi Xi was a human and had the key to the vampire's treasure.

However, Xue Pingwan was a swordsman and had the sanction skill.

"Kill Xue Pingwan first to ensure our safety. If your guess is correct and the other three are humans, then we'll win and get the key."

The mission of the vampires: expel all the divine.

Barrage: [Wow, no wonder Shi Xi didn't move.]

[Shi Xi is a human. Killing her would be a waste of an opportunity.]

[Hey, Xue Pingwan will be eliminated tomorrow. The game is over.]

[The good guys are so miserable. There were so many smart people, but they lost.]

[There's no other way. The Tao is one foot higher, and the devil is ten feet higher.]

Seeing this situation, the audience could only sigh.

Although they could guess what would happen next, they still wanted to see the ending.

Everything had a beginning and an end!

Shi Xi had a good night's sleep.