Is It Fun For Liao Chujing To Lie?

Shi Xi took away the remaining garlic. "I'll peel it."

The garlic was peeled, rinsed with water, and then patted with the back of a knife.

Liao Chujing didn't want to peel the garlic. If it weren't for the cameraman, she would have stopped working. At this time, she asked hypocritically, "Can you finish peeling all of them?"

Shi Xi hummed in acknowledgment and returned to the kitchen with the garlic.

"Why are you back?" Zhuang Xuan asked.

"Peeling garlic." Shi Xi peeled off the outer skin of the garlic and rinsed it under the water for a while. Then, she placed it on the chopping board and slapped it open with the back of the knife.

As a result, the outer skin of the garlic fell off.

After Shi Xi's simple method came out, the bullet comments started again.

[Where was the one who said that Shi Xi was avoiding peeling vegetables? Why aren't you saying anything now?]