Side Story: Three Days of Love (Part 3)

Xie Yunzhou thought for a moment. There were indeed many people when he was dismissed from school. He placed the money on the table. "I'll be done with school at 12 o'clock. You can go to the street to buy food ten minutes earlier. I'll eat anything. There's a key under the carpet."

Xie Yunzhou only remembered after he left home.

He should have chased her out.

Why did he leave her for lunch again?

Forget it, he would make her leave after lunch.


Shi Xi was eating the dumplings. The soup was fresh and rich, and it was especially delicious.

Oh, it was good to have a husband.

However, how could she earn money?

After Shi Xi finished her breakfast, she counted her remaining money.

Of course, she would not spend all her money on clothes. What she said last night was just to make Xie Yunzhou soften his heart.

She had spent 200 yuan on clothes and food yesterday, so she still had 800 yuan left.