Well played

Dumby was already smarter and more anthropomorphic than other geese. 

Furthermore, it drank Shi Qingluo's spiritual water everyday and had been specially trained by her.

It could almost understand human language.

Liang Youxiao was especially serious. 

He believed that this goose would definitely taste good.

To Dumby, he came with a bellyful of evil intentions.

Hence, without any hesitation, it flapped its wings and pounced on Liang Youxiao. 

It even used its mouth to bite him ferociously.

Liang Youxiao did not expect the goose to be so fierce. 

As he was unprepared, the goose pinched his arm several times. 

It was so painful that his face contorted.

However, he quickly reacted and immediately retaliated against the goose.

He learnt martial arts, so quickly he hid behind and wasn't bitten again.