I Did It on Purpose

Xiao Hanzheng could tell what he meant.

He raised his eyebrows. "If I was there when you fell off the horse, we could have saved you."

"But now, all the bones that were crushed have grown back into your flesh. If I were to treat you, I would first have to cut your legs open and pick out the broken bones. The dislocated bones would also have to be broken and reconnected."

"As long as you agree, I can give it a try, but do you dare?"

"Or can you bear the pain?"

His scumbag father has delayed seeking treatment for his legs for too long and it would take too much effort to treat them. He would also need a few very expensive and rare medicines.

He naturally wouldn't waste his effort on his scumbag father.

Xiao Yuanshi's expression was extremely ugly. "You, you doing this on purpose?"

Upon hearing Xiao Hanzheng's proposed method, he began to feel uneasy.