015: He is Mr. Wyatt_1


The vendor who lost a bunch of hydrogen balloons was just up ahead at the street corner.

Rae Bennett approached with the hydrogen balloons, "Sir," she handed over the banknotes, "I'll pay for these."

As soon as the old man saw the hydrogen balloons, he knew what had happened. Of all the balloons he had lost, she was the only one who picked them up and came back to pay.

The old man accepted the money, "Thank you."

The young lady was very polite and always smiling, "No need to thank me."

"You're really kind-hearted, young lady."

She truly was a delightful Sunshine Rae.

The old man also gave her five coins in change.

Rae put the five coins in her bag and they jingled as she ran. Wyatt Wright was waiting for her by the roadside. She came back beaming, "The old man praised me for being kind-hearted."

Wyatt made no comment.

She tugged at the string of the hydrogen balloons, pulling them up and down as if walking a cat very similar to Simba.

"He was praising you," Rae said, aware of her own qualities.

Wyatt didn't join the conversation but hummed in acknowledgment.

"How should I repay you?"

"No need to repay."

It was the same when he fixed her scratched car. He was either too generous or too standoffish. Rae actually didn't have much patience, but she gave all her patience to Wyatt.

She found a somewhat decent excuse, "No, it won't do. We kind Fairy Bennett never take advantage of anyone."

The corners of his mouth twitched, almost like a smile.

He wasn't one to smile often, at least not that Rae saw much.

"Wyatt Wright."


She took out her smartphone from her bag and sent a friend request, "I added you on Whatsapp. Approve it, and I'll transfer the money for the balloons to you."

He repeated, "No need to repay."

Rae extended her hand, intending to tug at his clothes, but decided against it, "Wyatt Wright."

She didn't wait for his permission.

"Wyatt Wright."

"Wyatt Wright."

She wasn't deliberately acting coy, but she had a pleasant voice. When she spoke a bit lighter and slower, it sounded as soft and sweet as a bag of cream bursting into blossom.


Wyatt abruptly stopped, and Rae bumped into him. Her grip loosened, and the hydrogen balloons flew away.

"My balloons flew away."

She rubbed her forehead, which didn't hurt from the bump, and since she was close, she could smell the faint scent of pomelo on Wyatt.

It was a body wash Ms. Watson had someone buy from abroad and she had also recommended it to Rae.

She said with a smile, still complaining, "It's all your fault my balloons flew away."

There was no rain, and with the line slack, the hydrogen balloons flew off with legs spread wide.

Wyatt looked up at the distant balloons, "Hmm, blame me." His voice, if just a bit more gentle, sounded like he was ready to pluck stars and the moon for you, so bewitching, "So no need to transfer the money, consider it compensation from me."

The stars and moon had shattered, just bits of glass now.

Rae Bennett: "..."

How could she add him on Whatsapp if she's not allowed to transfer the money!

Sunshine Rae brought out all her bottom-of-the-box patience, "No need for compensation." She had to transfer the money.

His hands in his jacket pockets, he walked ahead, more airy and languid than the breeze, "We kind people never take advantage of others."

The self-proclaimed kind, never-advantage-taking Fairy Bennett: "..."

Figuring out Wyatt was harder than assembling a fully shattered corpse.

On the way back, Rae sulked and didn't speak a word to Wyatt. He was quiet too, playing a cello piece which looped for over forty minutes.

The car didn't enter Star Delight Mansion's garage. Wyatt parked it at the entrance of the Residential Area.

"You go up first."

Rae unbuckled her seatbelt slowly, "Are you going out again?"

He didn't answer directly, "The things you bought can stay in the car. I'll help you carry them up when I get back."

Great, now she couldn't use the excuse of being unable to carry her stuff either.

Rae sounded dejected, "Oh."

She got out of the car, and Wyatt drove away.

At this time, elementary schools were dismissing. Khalil Wright was selling octopus balls at the school gate just behind the Residential Area.

Wyatt parked his car across the street.

Khalil turned the octopus balls, "Why are you here? Not busy?"

"It's okay."

Wyatt took a pair of disposable chopsticks from under the tricycle, tore the wrapper with his teeth, and picked up an octopus ball. His eating was so excessively elegant, "How's business?"


"I'm swamped." As the octopus balls were ready, Khalil hurriedly boxed them up. "You're just in time; help me deliver a takeout order."

"Deliver to where?"

Khalil packaged everything, put it in a bag, and added two pairs of chopsticks: "Ardale University."

There was a trash can nearby, and Wyatt tossed something casually with accurate aim, throwing the chopstick wrapper into it: "Send me the number."

Khalil's stand was small, mainly doing roadside business, not part of a delivery platform, but some regulars had his Whatsapp, sometimes placing orders online.

Ardale University was only a kilometer away from Star Delight Mansion, a few minutes by car, and the school had no restrictions on visitors.

Wyatt had done a few deliveries there before and knew the way, with building 17 being the furthest in.

He dialed the customer's phone: "Hello, is this Miss Watson?"

The person on the other end hesitated, "Ah?"

Wyatt gave the full name: "Silly Sweet eSports Female Lead Doggie Chan."

The name was a bit long.

But it wasn't appropriate to call her Miss Silly or Miss Doggie.

Miss Doggie Chan: "It's me, it's me."

"Your takeout has arrived, I'm at the bottom of building 17; please come down and get it."


About ten minutes later.

A girl in a dinosaur onsie pajama came out of building 17, looked around, walked up to Wyatt, and asked uncertainly, "Octopus balls?"

Wyatt nodded.

The girl, young and playful, revealed, "I'm Silly's roommate, Ms. Harper Horrell."

Wyatt handed her the bag.

Ms. Harper Horrell: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Wyatt returned the way he had come.

Ms. Harper Horrell watched "Octopus Balls" leave until he was out of sight, then hurriedly called her roommate: "Doggie Chan, I'm telling you, the guy who delivered your takeout is super handsome."

Doggie Chan had seen Khalil before and said he looked more like a bear.

Ms. Harper Horrell was also a regular of Khalil: "No, no, no, not Old Octopus Balls."

Old Octopus Balls was Khalil's nickname.

Ms. Harper Horrell speculated: "Must be Old Octopus Balls' son, Octopus Balls."

Doggie Chan had met Levi delivering takeout before and said his voice didn't sound the same.

Ms. Harper Horrell figured out the relationship: "Old Octopus Balls probably has two Octopus Balls, the one you met was Octopus Balls No. Two, and this one is Octopus Balls."

So, Levi's nickname: Octopus Balls No. Two.

Wyatt: Octopus Balls.

Along with Old Octopus Balls, collectively known as: Marble Clan.

Ms. Harper Horrell, while walking, couldn't contain her excitement: "Let me tell you, Octopus Balls is so handsome!"

Doggie Chan said that the second Octopus Balls wasn't bad either.

So why was it that Old Octopus Balls...?

Clearly, Mrs. Octopus Balls was good-looking to have produced two such beautiful balls.

As for mister big Octopus Balls, his car was parked at the school entrance. As he drove out of the school gates, two female students approached him, one of whom checked him out several times.

"Mr. Wyatt?"

The female student was from the photography department and her eyes lit up when she saw Wyatt: "It really is you, Mr. Wyatt."

"I'm a fan of yours, I've been following you for a long time."

"I especially love your work!"

The female student was very excited.

Wyatt shook his head apologetically, "Sorry, you've got the wrong person."

He didn't linger, got into his car, and drove away.

The female student hurriedly opened her phone's photo gallery and compared it meticulously to her idol's photo: "I didn't make a mistake."

She knew then, Mr. Wyatt didn't like to mix work with his personal life.

Her roommate inquired, "Who's Mr. Wyatt?"

"My ultimate favorite."

"The photographer you follow?"

Belatedly realizing, the female student shrieked like a marmot: "Aaahhh!" She excitedly pinched her roommate, "It's him, it's him, I'd recognize him even if he turned to ash!"

Speaking of this classmate's ultimate favorite—

Within the photography circle, fashion circle, entertainment circle, everyone respectfully called him Mr. Wyatt. He rose to fame five years back, securing multiple international photography awards with a war-themed piece, and then, upon returning to his country, collaborated with director Yale Allen on a documentary about mental illness that once again shook the domestic scene. Afterwards, he swept all the major photography awards. He rarely shot portraits, didn't collaborate much with the entertainment industry, but a few top luxury brands had hired him, and all the top male celebrities had been photographed by him for magazine covers.

As for female artists, he had only photographed one.

He was low-key and didn't like to show his face, appearing only in others' group photos, but even with those few images, his fame skyrocketed because he looked as good as any celebrity, and even if he wasn't the center of those photos, the celebrities who posted them online respectfully referred to him as Mr. Wyatt.

In summary, he was a person both legendary and mysterious.