020: Got on _1

At dinner, Miss Watson noticed the old watch Wyatt was wearing.

After dinner, she mysteriously pulled Khalil aside.

"Our darling Wyatt has put on that old watch again."

Khalil, a bit of a rough diamond, failed to see the peculiarity, "What's wrong with wearing an old watch?"

Miss Watson prodded his stiff arm, "You blockhead! I have a whole drawer full of watches I bought for Wyatt, and he barely wears any of them. Instead, he keeps repairing that old one like it's his treasure."

Khalil didn't think there was anything amiss, "Maybe our Wyatt is just nostalgic."

"He doesn't remember anything from the past, what's there to be nostalgic about?"

Wyatt was a child Miss Watson "picked up." Seven years ago, he was seriously injured and in a coma for several days. When he woke up, he had no recollection of how he got hurt.

Miss Watson told a little lie and gained a son for nothing.

The only two items he had that could prove his identity were a tattoo and a watch.

Miss Watson speculated, "Could it be because he wants to find his birth parents, so he keeps that watch?"

Khalil agreed, "That's possible."

"But we can't let him find them." His real mother...

Miss Watson was overwhelmed with melancholy.

After her spell of gloominess, she picked up Simba and went downstairs to walk the cat.

In the residential area, there was a large open space where many people exercised and danced; there were also plenty of folks walking their pets and grandchildren. Miss Watson chatted with her card-playing friends while holding Simba.

Occasionally, Simba would meow indifferently, her eyelids drooping lazily, completely disdainful of the colorful world around her.

Miss Watson was discussing the news that Ruby Manor's younger uncle had come out when she saw Rae Bennett coming back on an electric bike.

Miss Watson promptly left Isla Healey, "Rae."

Rae parked her bike aside before coming over to say hello, "Good evening."

The noble Simba glanced up.

"You just getting back now?"

Rae's ponytail was loose, showing signs of a long day's labor, "Yeah, the museum village was a bit busy today."

"What about dinner, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I was going to order some takeout in a bit."

She had restored two corpses during the day and now had little appetite.

The community-minded Miss Watson, "Takeout is so unhealthy. Go upstairs and rest; I'll have Khalil make something for you to eat."

"I'm okay with takeout," the young girl tactfully declined, "no need to trouble you."

How could it be a bother to cook a meal for a future daughter-in-law?

Miss Watson waved her hand, "It's no trouble at all, it'll be quick." She immediately called Khalil, "Khalil, what are you doing?"

Khalil said he was watching the evening news.

"Stop watching, make some food for Rae."

Khalil turned off the TV, "Ask her what she'd like to eat?"

Miss Watson turned to ask Rae, "What would you like to eat?"

Not wanting to refuse again, Rae replied, "Anything's fine. Whatever you have is okay."

So considerate.

Miss Watson's fondness for the young girl increased again; not many girls who are easy to please and not picky about food can be found nowadays.

Easy to please?

That's because Miss Watson hadn't seen Rae, the Demon, cutting a steak.

If the steak was overcooked by even a little, the Demon wouldn't get angry. She simply called the chef over and cut the steak in front of him, deliberately and slowly, giving the feeling as if she was dismembering a corpse.

The chef was near breaking point.

I've gotten off track.

Khalil Wright made Rae Bennett a bowl of seafood noodles. With her sweet words, she praised the noodles as if there were none better on earth or in heaven, and Khalil Wright was so pleased that he steamed her a bowl of eggs with a secret recipe.

After the meal, Rae wanted to go wash the dishes.

Miss Watson waved her hand grandly: "Wash what dishes, a girl's hands shouldn't touch detergent."

Khalil didn't need to be asked; he took it upon himself to collect the dishes and wipe the table.

Miss Watson washed two plates of fruit and pulled Rae along to binge-watch a drama. There's been a very popular fantasy drama about a red carp that rules over the realms of the gods, demons, and monsters, and it's a drama with a strong female lead.

During the commercials, Miss Watson asked Rae, "What's the name of the actress playing the carp again? Something Ming...?"

"Averi Rivera."

"Right, right, that's the name." Miss Watson said sourly, "My Wyatt took photographs of her. It even made the hot search at the time." Wyatt has never even photographed her.

Rae fell silent, looking dejected.

Miss Watson had long perceived her younger daughter's feelings and hurried to comfort her, "Don't believe those marketing accounts' tales, Wyatt doesn't like her at all."

Miss Watson didn't like that carp spirit. Right after Wyatt Wright finished the cover shoot with the carp spirit, marketing accounts started spreading rumors like wildfire, claiming that she held a special place in Wyatt Wright's life, and the carp spirit didn't deny it, even mentioning Wyatt Wright at public events a few times.

Miss Watson was furious, convinced that it was this carp spirit riding on their coattails; her eldest darling would never fancy the carp spirit.

"Did he tell you that?" the young girl asked, her bright and clear eyes filled with hope, "That he doesn't like her?"

Seeing those innocent eyes that seemed unable to hide any secrets, Miss Watson nearly wished she could pack up her eldest darling and send him to Rae.

"I'm guessing." Wyatt never talks to Miss Watson about the opposite sex.

Rae seemed even more disappointed.

Miss Watson's desire to pack up her eldest darling and send him to Rae grew even stronger: "Rae, have some strawberries."


She took a strawberry and nibbled on it, clearly distracted.

Determined to boycott the carp spirit's drama, Miss Watson switched the channel. Then, struck by inspiration, she asked, "Are the strawberries sweet?"

Rae sounded like a quail that couldn't muster enthusiasm: "Sweet."

But it's not as sweet as a sweet romance.

"We can't finish so many ourselves." Miss Watson portioned off half the plate, her voice very nonchalant as if it weren't intentional, "Why don't you take these over to Wyatt?"

Rae finally smiled: "Okay."

Miss Watson beamed a motherly smile.

The door to Apt 1803 wasn't locked, it was Levi Wright who had come back, and he was showering in the bathroom. Rae knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before entering.

Her footsteps were light, as she was wearing slippers.


No one answered her.

Wyatt was lying on the couch, asleep. Miss Watson said he had gone on a photography outing to the neighboring city today and had been running around all day long.

Rae stood behind the couch, watching him for a long time.

His eyes remained closed, without any defense; his bangs were tousled, covering his forehead, making him seem much more obedient than when his eyes were open.

The demon locked in Rae's heart writhed restlessly, urging her: go on, devour him.

She moved her feet, tiptoed over, and then put the plate down. Crouching, she hugged her knees and leaned forward.

The living room lights were off, but the light from the foyer leaked in, casting their shadows on the floor, the two shadows drawing closer to each other.

She held her breath and pressed her lips against his.

She'd caught her prey.


Levi opened the bathroom door.