047: Rae Punishes the Wicked (Second Update)_1

"How come there's a bracelet missing?"

The speaker was a relative of an elderly lady who had passed away. The old lady had two daughters and a son, and lived to the age of seventy-two.

"It's not missing, is it?" This was the old lady's daughter-in-law.

The eldest daughter unfolded the towel wrapped around the gold ornaments, "Take a look for yourself, our mom had two gold bracelets, but now there's only one left."

Upon examination, the second daughter said, "One bracelet is indeed missing, the one my sister and I bought for her the year before last."

The daughter-in-law replied, "We might not have noticed and it got burnt along."

The eldest daughter's face turned sour, "Didn't you check to see if anything was missing when you took them off?"

"I wasn't in the right state of mind at the time," the daughter-in-law said, wiping her tears. "It's already been burnt. Let's just think of it as an accompaniment for our mom."