063: Top Assistant Juan Morris (Part 2_1)

Juan Morris instantly cowered, "Bro, you're my real brother."

Flynn Morris picked up the bottle opener from the table, secured the cap, and with one hand opened the bottle with a fizz, beer spilling out.

Playing the family card was futile; today, someone was going to leave lying down.

"You don't want my underpants, do you?" It seemed easy enough, Juan Morris lifted his shirt cheerfully, "I'll just take it off."

"Who wants your underpants?" Flynn Morris took out a cigarette, turned to ask Yale Allen for a light, and after lighting it up, he didn't return the lighter but left it on the table, "I want your hair."

Juan Morris's expression cracked.

Henry Young, who had been lacking enthusiasm, was suddenly interested, "Hair works too?"

"Whoever scores lower has to give up something from their body. I didn't say hair wasn't allowed, I'm not asking for his arm."

Turns out he's my real brother.