075: First Love Turns Stepmother, Love and Murder Each Other (Second Update)_1

The sack was full of money...

The boss dumbly accepted the banknote handed over to him.

The girl said, "No need for change."

She grabbed the pancake wrap and hoisted the sack over her shoulder, then ran off.

The boss was doubly shocked!!

That strength was definitely not that of a common little loli.

The boss took a closer look at the banknote the girl had given him; it was brand new. He loved watching police and robber shows, and a twenty-episode plot formed in his mind. He picked up his phone and dialed three digits.

"Hello, is this 110?"

The local police station responded: Yes.

The boss made an online report: "A person just came by with a sack full of money to buy a pancake wrap, and it looked very suspicious." It felt like a bank robbery.

The fellow officer asked how big the sack was.

The boss guessed, "Probably big enough to hold a ten-jin quilt." That must be a lot of money.

The officer asked for the person's physical description.