096: The Little Witch's Hunting Moment (Second Update)_1

"Wyatt," she called out more smoothly now, "it's the weekend tomorrow, do you want to come to my house to play?"

She intentionally leaned a bit to the left, her skirt brushing against the hand of the boy next to her.

He immediately withdrew his hand, curled his fingers, and stepped aside, distancing himself from her a bit more.

He was really not easy to tease.

Rae Bennett smiled happily, "My home has a lot of master photography works. If you like them, I can give them to you." She asked again, "Do you want to go to my house?"

The little witch in the Black Forest was tempting the prince with a poisoned apple once again.

Just like the last time, he declined, "I'm going out to take photos."

Rae had seen him take pictures, seen him photograph mountains, water, and passing travelers. When he held a camera, his eyes changed, they weren't just gentle, but also fervent.

She was envious of those mountains, the waters, those people, and even the camera that he always held in his hands.