160: Wyatt Wright is Defensive, Who is Young Master Nine (First Update)_1

Rae Bennett finished her steak, and it was only after Wyatt Wright left that she followed him to the foyer.

"I can't say what time I'll be back, so don't wait up for me, sleep early."


Wyatt picked up an umbrella, "Do you have your clothes here? If not, find something of mine in the closet to wear."

"I left some clothes here last time."

He made it to the elevator door, while Rae Bennett stood at the doorway, gazing at him with longing eyes.

"Come inside, there's a draft out."


Wyatt didn't enter the elevator until Rae Bennett had closed the door. He was meeting with Ryan Savage at a teahouse.

There was a bit of a traffic jam that evening, and Ryan didn't arrive until after eight.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Wyatt," he said.

Wyatt had already ordered tea, he poured a cup and handed it over, "I just got here myself."

Ryan took off his coat and placed it aside, "You wanted to see me about the TV series, right?"

Ryan was smart.