Where's The Girl From Last Night?

In a five-star hotel.

After taking a shower, the man walked out with a towel wrapped around his body. As he thought back to the snow-white skin of the little peach nymph on his bed, his blood started to boil. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, but as he saw the empty bedroom, a storm seemed to appear in his eyes.

He flipped through his clothes that had been scattered all over the floor because of the intense night, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and contacted his assistant. "Find out who was in my room last night."

The assistant quickly gave the results of the investigation. "We checked the surveillance footage and found out that the person who came was the daughter of Jiang Zhenping's second wife, Ning Yun. The Jiang family had previously made a marriage proposal to the old madam, but the old madam rejected it."

The man lowered his eyes and looked extremely dangerous. He asked softly, "Where Is Ning Yun now?"


On the other side, Ning Shan and Ning Yun were still engaged in their argument. Ning Shan looked at her cold and heartless sister and almost cried, "Dad took care of you until you were twelve years old. Now that he's sick, aren't you worried at all?"

Ning Yun curled her lips in disdain, "Dad and mom have been divorced for ten years. Normally, I don't see you guys looking for me. Now that you need money and come looking for me, aren't you just a gold-digger?"

Ning Shan was about to retort when there was a knock on the door. Ning Yun walked over impatiently and raised her voice. "Who is it?"

The man replied in a deep voice, "It's me, Gu Minghuai."

Master Gu had come looking for her!

Ning Yun's mind went blank. She turned to look at Ning Shan. This person obviously didn't know what the name Gu Minghuai meant. Before Ning Shan could say something, Ning Yun was quick-witted enough and rushed forward, covering Ning Shan's mouth. She said in an almost angry voice, "Hide first. We can discuss everything later."

Ning Shan was not stupid. She quickly realized the identity of the person who came. She followed her sister to the bathroom and asked in a low voice, "Did the man from last night come? Who is he?"

"Don't let him find you. Otherwise, you and I won't get away unscathed." Ning Yun's expression was unsightly. She reached out and exposed Ning Shan's collar. After comparing the marks on Ning Shan's neck and pinching herself in the same spot a few times, she instructed, "Lock the door. Don't open it even if anyone knocks on it."

Ning Shan nodded in fear.

Ning Yun heard the sound of the bathroom locking. She trotted to open the door and looked at the man in the wheelchair in front of her. The man had bright eyebrows and sharp eyes. Although he had to look up to her due to his position, his huge presence still made Ning Yun's heart skip a beat.

She did not expect the legendary master of the Gu family to be so handsome!

Ning Yun could not help but feel a little excited. She took a deep breath and pretended to be shy as she greeted him, "Fourth master..."

Gu Minghuai studied Ning Yun's face.

This person's facial features were exactly the same as what he remembered, but the temperament she exuded was completely different. It was as if that woman who was as pure as a rabbit last night was the product of his fantasy, a little mermaid who would disappear after dawn.

Under Gu Minghuai's gaze, Ning Yun did not even dare to breathe heavily. She forced a smile, but before she could say anything, she heard Gu Minghuai ask, "Why did you run away this morning?"

"Ah?" Ning Yun was stunned at first, but then her eyes rolled understandingly as she lowered her head and pretended to be delicate, "I'm shy."

Gu Minghuai controlled the wheelchair to move forward. He could only smell the strong scent of perfume, the faint fragrance of peaches from last night had disappeared without a trace. Her slender neck should have been covered with dense marks, but the skin of the girl in front of him was as smooth and delicate as a wall that had just been painted.

"You're not her," Gu Minghuai said with certainty.

He waved his hand, and the assistant behind him immediately understood and pushed him into the room.

Gu Minghuai looked around, taking in the layout of the entire house clearly. He turned to ask Ning Yun, "Where is she?"

"What do you mean by 'she'? I don't know what you're talking about." Ning Yun's smile was a little stiff. She clasped her hands together uncomfortably and replied, "There's no one else here."

Gu Minghuai's eyes were deep black, like a pool of ink that could not be diluted. "Do you need me to make it clearer? Where is the girl who looks exactly like you and broke into my room last night?"