Short Of A Cook

Ning Shan spoke very seriously and genuinely. Her refusal was sincere.

Gu Minghuai's cold face turned black on the spot. He had never seen a woman actually finding such a reason to refuse to be his girlfriend. Even after he had given her a ladder, didn't normal women immediately climb up that ladder and fight to stay in the Gu Family?

"Are you serious?" Gu Minghuai asked with a sullen face.

Ning Shan hurriedly nodded. "Of course. You have to keep the secret of your legs and let me stay here. I understand that, but freeloading these past few days really made me uneasy. Mr. Gu, please understand."

The butler could not listen anymore. Seeing the expression on the fourth master's face, he felt that if he did not leave now, he would be involved in this somehow.

Gu Minghuai's expression was stony. He suddenly thought of the stomachache that night and the steaming bowl of noodles that Ning Shan had cooked.

"Sure," his eyes were emotionless. "This house happens to be short of a cook. If you can cook, then go ahead."

Ning Shan's eyes lit up and she exclaimed, "Really? That's great! Thank you, Mr. Gu. Then when do I start working? Tomorrow?"

Seeing the young girl's face that's filled with excitement and joy, sincere and passionate, Gu Minghuai could feel the veins on his temples throbbing. He had never seen a woman so, so...

Gu Minghuai wanted to say something sarcastic, but he could not find the words. This woman would rather be a servant than be his girlfriend.

If he asked the reason, he would probably get a series of lectures, which would only aggravate his anger. Gu Minghuai stared coldly at Ning Shan. "We'll start tomorrow."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Ning Shan to ask any more questions and angrily controlled his wheelchair to leave. If he didn't leave now, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control his anger.

Ning Shan was immersed in the joy of having a job and returned to her room upstairs. This was great. This way, she wouldn't have to be conscious of the gazes of others and would be able to go back and forth to the hospital to visit her father in peace. Thinking of this, Ning Shan's sadness and anxiety seemed to dissipate a little.

The next day.

Ning Shan woke up very early and went to find the butler. She told him that Gu Minghuai had agreed to let her be the cook.

Although the butler was surprised, he did not ask much. He still nodded politely and replied, "Miss Ning, please follow me to go through the onboarding procedures and I will bring you to familiarize yourself with the kitchen."

Ning Shan followed the butler to a place that looked like an office at the back of the first floor and quickly completed the onboarding procedures. Then, the two of them went to the kitchen. It was filled with steam and the aroma of food tickled their noses. A few servants were busying themselves there.

Ning Shan looked around curiously, "Sir, what do I need to do now?"

At this moment, the chef of the Gu family's main residence came over, "Sir, Miss Ning, what's going on?"

The butler cleared his throat. "From today onwards, Miss Ning will be working in the kitchen. As for what you want to do, it's up to you, chef Chen."

Chef Chen was a smart person. Previously, everyone in the residence knew how well the fourth master treated Ning Shan. Everyone could see that Ning Shan was the guest that the fourth master had invited. Now that the butler didn't even dare to assign tasks to her, how could a chef like him dare?

Chef Chen Thought for a moment and laughed, "Miss Ning, you are not familiar with this place yet. You can stay in the kitchen to observe for a while. After you are familiar with it, I will slowly see what you are suitable to do."

The butler nodded approvingly, "That makes sense. Let's listen to chef Chen's arrangements." After saying that, he left as fast as he could.

Ning Shan's expression was very serious, "Chef Chen, you don't have to call me Miss Ning. Just Ning would do. I can make some simple breakfast and supper. You don't have to be polite, just command me to do anything."

"No, no. Miss Ning, you don't have to exhaust yourself. Just follow my instructions and observe in the kitchen." Chef Chen waved his hand in a hurry.