Apologize On His Behalf

As Ning Shan was not familiar with this city at all, she was a little stunned by what happened.

Cars whizzed past in the driveway. When they saw her on the side of the road, quite a few people had already opened their windows and berated her, there were also people who kept honking, "Hey, what are you doing, do you have a death wish?"

Ning Shan's small face was flushed red. She repeatedly bowed down and apologized to the cars that whizzed past her. Then, she looked left and right as she cautiously find a gap between the cars and nervously ran back to the sidewalk. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief, just as she was wondering if she should ask someone for directions, a car honk sounded again.

Strange. Was she in the way again?

Ning Shan looked back and saw a car slowly approaching. Finally, it stopped in front of her. The window rolled down and a familiar and kind face appeared in the car.

"Grandmother Gu?" Ning Shan cried out in surprise.

Elder Mrs. Gu smiled gently. "Shanshan, why are you walking here alone? Get in the car, grandma will fetch you."

Ning Shan was very happy to meet Gu Minghuai's grandmother in this strange place. She immediately got in the car and the car slowly drove forward.

Elder Mrs. Gu held her hand affectionately. "Shanshan, why didn't you ask Minghuai to send someone to fetch you?"

Ning Shan recalled Gu Minghuai's angry expression just now and shook her head. She did not say anything.

"Why do you look so pale? Did you quarrel with Minghuai?" Elder Mrs. Gu hit the nail on the head.

Ning Shan deliberated her words and asked, "Grandmother Gu, what kind of person is Mr. Gu?"

Elder Mrs. Gu was experienced. She knew that the two of them must have had a conflict with each other. She thought for a while, then she slowly said, "Minghuai lost his father in the early years. His mother was slightly out of it as she thought that it was Minghuai that caused his father's death, so she didn't care about him. It can be said that his childhood was very lonely. He was very smart and sensible. He never let us worry and kept all his feelings inside him."

"A few years ago, he was sabotaged by someone and had a car accident. Until now, who knows how many people are eyeing his position and lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity to strike. Fortunately, he managed to keep the situation under control. Now, things are still going smoothly."

Ning Shan was shocked by his backstory and did not know how to react.

Elder Mrs. Gu looked at her and sighed. "Shanshan, Minghuai's status and his environment have created his harsh personality and way of doing things. If he has done anything that makes you uncomfortable, I'll apologize on his behalf."

Ning Shan quickly waved her hand. "Grandmother Gu, you don't have to do this. I only knew how difficult it was for Mr. Gu after listening to you. Don't worry, I'll try my best to tolerate him."

Gu Minghuai is really pitiful, she thought.

Elder Mrs. Gu sent Ning Shan back to the main house. Before she left, Elder Mrs. Gu held her hand again. She said earnestly, "Shanshan, many people can't stand Minghuai's temper. Grandma can see that he likes you very much. I hope you can persevere with him. Is that okay?"

Ning Shan nodded solemnly. Her mind was filled with Gu Minghuai's childhood and his current dangerous situation. She decided to forgive this person.

When they returned to the house, Ning Shan asked a servant. "Has Mr. Gu returned?"

The servant replied, "Fourth master has returned just now, Miss Ning."

Ning Shan tilted her head. Seeing that it was almost four in the afternoon, she plunged into the kitchen and began to work. She cooked a table of the best dishes she could and personally went to the study on the second floor. She pulled Gu Minghuai down to the dining table and sat him down.

Gu Minghuai's eyes were cold. He looked at the table full of delicious food and asked indifferently, "What?"

Ning Shan softened her tone and replied sincerely, "Mr. Gu, you've done me a big favor today. It's been hard on you."