Bring Her to Dinner

At this moment, Fu Ying was raising his wine glass and chatting happily with the others. However, he did not ignore Mo Rao and would glance at her from time to time.

When he saw Shen Feng standing beside Mo Rao, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.

"Sorry, excuse me," Fu Ying said to the others and walked towards Mo Rao.

Mo Rao felt someone walking toward her. She looked up and saw that it was indeed Fu Ying.

Looking at the small desserts on Mo Rao's plate, Fu Ying was a little unhappy. "Is this all you're eating?"

How was this nutritious?

"Yes," Mo Rao replied simply.

"This is not nutritious." Fu Ying frowned.

"But I like eating it," Mo Rao replied casually. "But it's not your fault. You don't know my preferences at all since there's no need to waste your time on me."

Fu Ying was speechless. Why was he being mocked by her when he was just concerned about her?