Forced Surgery

As the kiss deepened, Mo Rao pushed Fu Ying hard. "Let go of me. What are you doing?"

Not only was Auntie Liu at home, but there was also Yang Qiu!

It would be very awkward if these two saw each other!

"I'll be back on time in a week. Wait for me." Fu Ying couldn't bear to part with Mo Rao. His hand gently touched her face.

Mo Rao looked like she didn't care and ignored him.

However, Fu Ying liked her temper. He smiled and said, "The two of us won't get a divorce. Wait for me obediently."

Just because he said so? Mo Rao didn't believe him.

Anyway, Fu Ying often said one thing but meant another!

Fu Ying let go of Mo Rao and left. Mo Rao watched as the door closed and the sound of a car starting came from outside before she sighed deeply.

It was impossible not to get a divorce. She didn't want to continue living with a man who had another woman in his heart.