You're the Murderer

Mo Rao's eyes were like black holes without warmth as she stared at Fu Ying coldly. Her tone of voice was unpleasant. "Where's my children?"

Fu Ying froze. "Children…"

"Fu Ying, you don't know how to tell me?" Mo Rao laughed coldly.

Fu Ying really didn't know how to tell her. In the past few days, his heart had been aching badly and he wished he could beat himself to death.

At this moment, the smile on Mo Rao's face looked very unfamiliar and cold, making him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Now that Qu Ru's illness is cured and my children are gone, there are finally no more obstacles between the two of you. Your wish has been fulfilled, so you adulterous couple should quickly get together and never be separated again. Don't harm others anymore!" Mo Rao's mockery sounded very mean.

There was no longer any warmth in her eyes. She looked at Fu Ying with unprecedented hatred.