Hide It From Her

"Damn, did He Di upload the wrong photo?"

"Rao Rao means Mo Rao, right?"

"With such a private photo, the two of them must have a relationship. Previously, they said that the two of them had nothing to do with each other. The entertainment industry is really full of hypocrites!"

"The two of them have probably already slept together. Isn't Mo Rao's boyfriend Shen Feng?"

These comments were complete insults to Mo Rao.

Fu Ying was furious. He took a deep breath before he said, "Get the public relations staff to deal with the news immediately. Then, find He Di!"

Gu Hai immediately replied, "Yes."

After Gu Hai left, Fu Ying wanted to call Mo Rao to ask, but he felt that it was inappropriate, so he called Shen Feng instead.

Shen Feng had already seen the news and was investigating. He didn't expect Fu Ying to take the initiative to call.

Although they were love rivals now, for Mo Rao, they could temporarily join forces.