Reaping the Gains

The most comical person was Zhao Meng.

She searched the mountain for a long time while either complaining that there were too many mosquitoes or complaining that the road was difficult to walk on. Moreover, she couldn't find anything she was satisfied with.

Before dark, she found Mo Rao's camp.

Mo Rao had already set up the tent alone. There was also a large backpack in the bag. There were five bottles of water, two boxes of compressed biscuits, a box of matches, a flashlight, a knife, a palm-sized pot, and some seasonings.

She gathered some dried branches and leaves, then used a match to start a fire. She used the very small pot to boil water and scalded the rabbit several times before skinning it.

Then, she used a small knife to cut open the rabbit's stomach and began to clean its internal organs.