Cooking Something For Rao Rao Rao

"Fu Ying?!" Mo Yuan almost jumped up.

This wasn't what he wanted to see.

He would rather have Mo Rao's fan living next door than Fu Ying.

"How dare he move next door to us!" Mo Yuan walked out angrily to teach Fu Ying a lesson.

Mo Rao rubbed her temples. According to Mo Yuan's temper, if Fu Ying moved next door, there would be chaos in the future.

"Brother, it's okay. Don't worry about him." Mo Rao stopped him. "We're usually busy with our own work and won't have much time to meet."

Mo Yuan pursed his lips and said angrily, "Do you think Fu Ying will keep a low profile next door? He will definitely come and find you. He just won't give up. He's trying to trick you away!"

Mo Rao was amused by Mo Yuan's words. "Brother, am I that gullible?"

"You're very gullible." Mo Yuan patted Mo Rao's head. "Don't worry, I'll definitely keep an eye on him for you. I won't let Fu Ying deceive you again."