Not As Handsome As Me

Yang Shu's personality was the same as his appearance. He looked a little introverted and even a little slow-witted.

After the entire meal, Qu You felt like she had been doing stand-up crosstalk.

There were two people sitting at the dining table, but people could only hear her nagging.

"It's getting late, so I'm going home now." Qu You looked at her watch. "In short, I'm very happy to meet you, but we don't seem to be from the same world. I like to go to bars and nightclubs. It might be a little different from what you're used to, but I'm quite interested in you. If you're not interested in me, we'll part ways. If you're interested in me, contact me next time."

With that, Qu You fled.

Yang Shu had yet to recover from Qu You's words. As he stared at her departing figure, he couldn't help but smile.

Mo Rao was glad that Fu Ying didn't pester her much today and only sent her home.