Something Happened

After Fu Ying and Gu Ci calmed down, Mo Rao continued to busy herself. When some passersby saw the long queue in front of Mo Rao, they subconsciously followed suit.

Among the five guests present, only Mo Rao's stall had the most people.

However, at some point, negative comments about Mo Rao began to appear on the Internet.

"I don't think Mo Rao's Wellington steak is that good! Ten minutes after I ate, I started to have diarrhea! I've been in the bathroom for more than ten minutes!"

"Could it be that those who said that Mo Rao's steak is good are paid commentors? I had diarrhea after eating the steak."

"I knew it. The Wellington steak in the hotel restaurant is not at this price. Turns out it's so cheap because eating it can cause diarrhea! Then I might as well go to the restaurant to eat it! At least it's sanitary and safe!"