Chapter 6 Take Mommy Home

Qiao Xi returned to her apartment with bags of ingredients.

This apartment was bought by her, and the environment was good. Only she and her son lived in this apartment.

Occasionally, her best friend, Su Xin, would come to visit her for a few days, such as eating or something.

Qiao Xi called Su Xin and wanted to ask her to come over for dinner, but her bestie's phone was powered off.

Qiao Xi was confused. Considering that her bestie was busy with her work at night, she guessed that she might have gone to bed.

She touched her son's head and comforted him, "it doesn't matter. Let's leave some for Auntie Su Xin and wait for her to come and eat tomorrow."

When she was about to put the ingredients in the pot, she received a call.

Seeing the number on the screen, she felt warm and answered the phone, "Uncle Fu."

When she went out to apply for a job, she met an old man with a heart attack on the way. She saved his life in a hurry. The old man was a good man and introduced her to work in the company, and he still kept her phone number.

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Fu asked tentatively, "Xi, have you seen my son?"

Speaking of this, Qiao Xi was so angry that she forgot it.

Uncle Fu was a nice person, but he was too enthusiastic. He tried every means to make her go on blind dates with his son.

But Qiao Xi knew her situation. She got pregnant before marriage and had a son. He would not like her.

She wanted to find a father for her son to take care of him, but...

If he accepted her and her child willingly for the sake of gratitude, she would rather not.

"Uncle Fu, let it go."

She scratched her head in distress and faltered, "I know your kindness, but... I don't fit your son."

When she was hesitating about how to refuse uncle Fu's kindness, his tone suddenly changed.

"Did that brat bully you? I'll teach him a lesson!"

Qiao Xi was stunned and hurried to stop him, "No, no, no, uncle Fu, you misunderstood!"

"I was delayed by something today. I didn't see your son. It has nothing to do with him."

Mr. Fu finally calmed down and tried his best to persuade her, "Xi, you're a good girl. I want you to be my daughter-in-law. You know, my son is just a little bad-tempered. He's good in other aspects."

"Just give uncle Fu another chance to see him and decide the result, okay?"

Before she could say anything, Mr. Fu interrupted her,

"Three days later, it's Valentine's day. I'll arrange it. You two meet at that time."

"Uncle Fu..."

She had no choice but uncle Fu to hang up the phone directly.

Looking at her phone, which had its main screen restored, she scratched her head in distress. 'how did it happen?' she wondered.

Fu Jingzhe, who was sitting opposite her and eating hot pot with relish, quietly raised his head and looked at Qiao Xi, his eyes shining.

He knew that when his father came back this time, his grandfather forced him to have a blind date with an aunt named Qiao Xi.

He had thought that she was a disgusting woman with heavy make-up and a bad woman, but he didn't expect that... This woman in front of him was.

So... He didn't call her Mommy wrong. Was this his future Mommy?

Fu Jingzhe's eyes became cautious.

If it was this aunt, he would have to find a way to take his future Mommy home even if his dad didn't do it.