Chapter 19 Sleeping out on the Street

"Mr. Fu, thank you for sending us home."

On the highway of A City, with two children in her arms, Qiao Xi sat in the back row and thanked Fu Qingyu sincerely.

Although there had been many misunderstandings between Fu Qingyu and her in the past few days, she still had to thank her.

The light in the car was flickering, and the street lamps were shining on Fu Qingyu's face, outlining a perfect arc.

He just hummed lightly but looked thoughtful.

He picked up Fu Jingzhe.

Four years ago, he came back from work and inexplicably found a baby at the gate of the Fu family's villa.

Moreover, according to the result of the paternity test, the baby was his son.

Fu Qingyu had never been interested in women, and the woman didn't tell him her identity, so he still didn't know who the mother of the child was.

But now.

A single woman with a child who looked exactly like his son had to be suspicious.

If Qiao Xi was the woman in the past.

Four years ago, when she was able to find Fu's villa, it was impossible for her not to know him. Why did she behave like this now?

When Fu Qingyu was confused, he heard a sweet voice of Qiao Xi.

"Mr. Fu, here I am."

Fu Qingyu raised his head and looked at the apartment in front of him. It was a luxurious apartment in the city center. This woman lived here.

No wonder she said she was a rich woman before.

Fu Jingzhe pulled her arm and said, "Mommy, can I see you again?"

Qiao Xi was a little embarrassed when she heard him call her Mommy. But considering that he was a child, she might get used to it these days.

She smiled carelessly and said, "Of course. I'll live here. Young master can come to play with us at any time."

Fu Qingyu cast a sidelong glance at her and thought, 'This woman is quite impolite to admit her identity.'

Qiao Xi got off the car with her son and walked towards the apartment, but was stopped by the security guard at the door.

Sitting in the car, Fu Qingyu was confused to see her come back unhappily after talking with the security guard for a long time.

"How could they say that I'm not a guest of this apartment?" said Qiao Xi, knocking on Fu Qingyu's car window.

"He also said that someone had gone through the transfer procedure. Now my resident room card has expired."

Looking at the confused look on her face, Fu Qingyu had only one question in his mind

'How did she get so much money to buy a house in real life?

He fixed his eyes and suddenly remembered what had happened in the company. He asked, "Su Xin?"

Qiao Xi was suddenly enlightened. Some time ago, Su Xin said that the children of her relatives from her hometown wanted to come to A City for school, and they needed to go through the entry formalities of local residence and housing information, so she temporarily transferred this apartment to Su Xin's name. Now…

How could that bitch Su Xin sell the house behind her back?

Qiao Xi called Su Xin immediately, but her phone was powered off.

When she called Zhang Yu again, he even canceled his phone number.

"Fuck... Are they insane? They cheated me and sold my house!"

"It's so late now, and I'm still with my child. Do you want us to sleep in the streets?"

As she spoke, she suddenly realized something and turned to Fu Qingyu, who looked pitiful and aggrieved

"Mr. Fu, can you take us in for a few days?"