Chapter 31 Encounter with Enemies

After that, she walked out of the office.

On the way, Mrs. Gao briefly introduced all the departments of the hospital to her. Most of them were related to her work in the future. For example, the directors' office of each department, and the canteen of the employees.

But when they passed through the hall and headed for the record room.

A familiar voice came from behind. Hearing it, Qiao Xi's face darkened. She frowned and clenched her fists.

"Qiao Xi? Why are you here?"

It was Qiao Tingting's voice.

Qiao Xi didn't turn around. After a short pause, she continued to follow Mrs. Gao.

However, Qiao Tingting didn't give up. Instead, she followed them closely and even stood in front of them. She opened her arms and looked at Qiao Xi up and down unhappily. "I'm talking to you. Didn't you hear me?"

Wearing a nurse uniform, Qiao Tingting arrogantly looked at the two of them and said, "What? Your son is a little dumb, and you are dumb too?"

The three stopped.

Mrs. Gao was also stunned by Qiao Tingting's aggressive posture.

She turned to Qiao Xi and asked, "Do you know each other?"

"Yes, but I don't know much about her."

Qiao Xi said indifferently.

At first, she didn't want to talk to Qiao Tingting. After all, she was here for an interview, not to make trouble. But Qiao Tingting was chasing after her, which was consuming her patience.

"Are you not familiar with me? But why do I feel that no one in the hospital is more familiar with you than me!"

Qiao Tingting gnashed her teeth and called her sister.

She turned to look at Mrs. Gao next to her, sighed, and began to act, "That's right. Although we are sisters, when I think about it carefully, it seems that I don't know my sister so well. After all... People will change after going through too much."

The atmosphere became awkward.

Looking at the two of them, Mrs. Gao didn't know what to say.

At the sight of her outfit, Qiao Xi finally remembered.

In the past, she did seem to be in some kind of situation. Zhang Rong and Qiao Shengnian had told her that after Qiao Tingting was promoted to grade three, she had an internship in a key hospital. But she didn't expect that it was such a small world.

There were so many hospitals in this big city, but the one she interviewed was exactly the same as her.

"Yes, people are changing. I didn't expect that you, as a half-sister, would have an internship in the hospital. I always thought that you majored in acting. After all, every time you pretended to be a bitch, you were really like a bitch."

She had already made up her mind for the following time.

Although the job was suitable and the leader of the human resources department took good care of her, they were 'not meant to be'.

It turned out that Qiao Xi was able to control Qiao Tingting's mood easily. As a result, she was completely infuriated by her words.

She was so angry at Qiao Xi that she forgot her image.

"How dare you say that in front of so many people? I think you have forgotten that you haven't even graduated from college. A person who was expelled from school before going to college is not qualified to talk about me here, or you have forgotten it. You were expelled from school because of your dissolute life and the bastard!"


The harsh address attracted a crowd of onlookers. They pointed at Qiao Yannian and Qiao Xi and whispered behind their backs.

Qiao Xi covered his ears and said, "It's my son, not a bastard."

"Your son? Of course, your son!" Qiao Tingting sneered, "Only a bastard like you can give birth to a dumb with the same low status as you. Do you know this is called retribution? Even God can't see through your behavior, and in another way, he agrees to drive you out of the Qiao family!"

The crowd burst into an uproar.

"She is the first daughter of the Qiao family?"

"She got pregnant before marriage. And she didn't know where the baby's father is. No wonder the Qiao family drove her out. It's a disgrace!"

"Yeah, the world is getting worse and worse..."

"Qiao Tingting, this is a hospital, not your home!" Looking at the once out-of-control scene, Mrs. Gao could not help frowning, "This is the workplace, not for you to act wildly. If you have anything to say, go home and make a fuss. Don't affect others here!"

When she was in the recruitment, she found that she was lazy and didn't behave herself. If it weren't for the Qiao family's connection and the people above specially greeted her, she wouldn't even allow such an unruly and domineering rich woman to enter the hospital.

She was just spoiled by her family and didn't know how to behave!

"Yannian, stand here obediently."

Qiao Xi chuckled and pushed him to Mrs. Gao of the human resources department. Then she turned around and strode to Qiao Tingting in two strides. Seeing her complacent face, she raised her hand and slapped her hard.

"There are two most correct things I have done in my life. One is to have my baby son, and the other is to draw a clear line with your Qiao family."

She didn't look sideways; her eyes were deep and dark. "A scheming father who can't help setting up his original wife and biological daughter for the mistress; a white-faced and cruel stepmother; an unruly and domineering sister who even forgets the fact that she is a mistress and tries to hook up a rich husband... Such a Qiao family, I don't want it."

Another big gossip!

The onlookers around them were stunned.

In this big city, perhaps no one had not heard that the internal relationship of the Qiao family was in chaos. Today, when they heard the real daughter of the Qiao family and the original daughter of the Qiao family, they watched the drama more intensely.

The mistress of the Qiao family?

How could Qiao Shengnian, who was supported by his original wife's family, frame his original wife and biological daughter?

The real daughter of the Qiao family had already cut off the relationship with the Qiao family with complicated relations?

This was shocking news!

"Qiao Xi, how dare you hit me!"

With her eyes wide open, Qiao Tingting covered her face with her hands. She glared at Qiao Xi, and then waved her hands and tried to pull her hair. "You bitch! How dare you slap me in the face!"

With a snort, she stepped aside and made way for her.

Qiao Tingting fell to the ground in public and the people around her burst into laughter.