Chapter 156 Something You Shouldn't Say

"Grandpa, I heard that daddy and mommy would come back today. They would be angry if they know we come back from school so early."

Fu Jingzhe's sweet voice came from the gate of the villa.

Then old Mr. Fu replied in a spoiled tone, "It's okay. I'm here to protect you two. They won't make things difficult for you."

"Besides, your daddy and mommy would go to the company directly after they come back. They won't come back so early."

The butler pressed his lips and didn't dare to speak when he met the gaze of Qiao Xi next to him.

He had never expected that.

Qiao Xi didn't embarrass the butler. She strode out of the kitchen and said, "Uncle Fu, why did you pick up the two of them so early? They haven't finished school yet!"

In fact, the sudden sound from the kitchen made the three people in the living room stunned.

When Qiao Yannian looked in the direction where the voice came from, he happened to meet Qiao Xi's eyes. Frightened, he quickly hid behind old Mr. Fu.