Chapter 306 Another Trouble

Recently, it had been the poorest time in her life.

When she was at school, she had to work part-time and rely on scholarships, even at that time, she wasn't like this, almost penniless, with nowhere no live.

In this case, how could she be so generous to buy things online?

Besides, as she lived in the Fu family now, there was nothing that needed her to prepare. Fu Qingyu even gave a lot of clothes to her and her son. All the clothes were expensive, but Fu Qingyu made them cheaper.

Thinking of this, she was sure. "I really don't have any package recently. Can you ask the delivery guy again? Is there any mistake?"

"No, I have checked the information on the package. It is indeed yours, Miss Qiao. The phone number I called you is on the package."

So, it was really her package?

Qiao Xi blinked her eyes and thought carefully. In the end, she remembered nothing about the package.