Chapter 332 The Past

Watching Fu Qingyu leave, Qiao Xi waved at him who had turned around from time to time.

After making sure that he was finally out of her sight, Qiao Xi breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly stood up from the wheelchair. "Well, let's remove this thing. It's too fussy."

"People who don't know this might think that I'm paralyzed. My God."

The nurse nodded slightly to the medical staff beside her, and then made a gesture to ask Qiao Xi to walk into the hospital and said respectfully, "the ward has been arranged for Miss Qiao. This way, please."

"Well. I'm better than fine. It's just a minor injury."

Qiao Xi waved her hand. As she walked into the hospital, she couldn't help looking around and exclaiming, "I didn't expect you to be so fast. You built a hospital in such a short time."

The nurse chuckled and didn't say anything. She waved to the medical staff behind her, indicating them to go ahead with their work.