Chapter 346 Inappropriate Words

With the enthusiastic invitation of the butler, Bai Yi stayed for dinner.

After dinner, he sat on the sofa and looked at the two kids playing Lego. He couldn't help but get close to them and looked at Fu Jingzhe with a smile. "Fu Jingzhe? Did I say your name right?"

Fu Jingzhe looked up at him and nodded obediently, looking at him with his clear eyes.

Seeing this, he tentatively said slowly, "Jingzhe, you and your father live in this big villa with the butler before, right?"

"Yeah." Fu Jingzhe answered in a childish voice, fiddling with Lego in his hand.

"Then, what about your Mommy? I mean, your biological Mommy. Is it because your Daddy and Mommy have a bad relationship that they have divorced before?"

Qiao Yannian was attracted by his words. He frowned and pulled the edge of his clothes.

Should he ask a five-year-old child such a question? They hadn't seen each other for years. Why was his uncle still as unreliable as before!