Chapter 526 The Hidden Intention

However, when Chen Yuying's chopsticks were about to touch the food in Fu Qingyu's bowl, Fu Qingyu suddenly held the wrist of her hand tightly with his other hand.

He looked up at Chen Yuying slowly and said indifferently, "I do eat vegetables."

"People's habits and preferences will change with time. There is nothing in the world that will never change."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw her hand aside, picked up the vegetables in the bowl, and put them into his mouth. He chewed them, and then he turned to look at Mrs. Chen politely. "Mrs. Chen, you are really good at cooking. No wonder Uncle Chen usually does not go out to drink with his friends as long as he is free."

Mrs. Chen smiled awkwardly, "It's great that you like it. Eat more. You can come here at any time if you want to eat."

Of course, Mrs. Chen knew that what he said was a rhetorical remark.