Chapter 657 Temporary Stability

"The patient's condition is temporarily stable, but he can't leave the ICU. We still need to observe his condition."

After Bai Song left, Qiao Xi slowly traipsed out of the ICU. She said weakly, "He has no rejection reaction to the blood transfusion for the time being, but it doesn't mean that he is out of danger. We still have to wait for him to wake up first."

He would be in danger until he woke up.

Qiao Xi had done everything she could, and she had tried her best to save Gu Chenyuan's life. As for what would happen to him in the future, it all depended on his own luck.

She always believed that she could overcome any difficulties with determination, but this time, she could not make it.

Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu nodded and bowed to Qiao Xi excitedly. "Thank you, Dr. Qiao. Thank you so much."

If it weren't for Qiao Xi being so forbearing, they might have made the situation worse. In particular, if it were other doctors, they would have already given up after they were suspected.